Access to Education Records
The University of Evansville complies with the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA), as amended (Public Law 93-380); which is designed to protect the privacy of students by giving them rights concerning their education records. Education records include records directly related to a student and maintained by the University. Among other provisions, the act gives students (1) the right to inspect their records, (2) the right to challenge incorrect information in those records and (3) the right to keep their records private.
Students attending the University will be notified of their FERPA rights annually in the Student Handbook. Each University office maintaining educational records must implement this policy by appropriate means.
FERPA further provides that certain information about the student, designated as directory information, may be released by the University unless the student has informed the University in writing that such information may not be released. The following is considered directory information: name, home address, local address, telephone listings, major field of study, full-time or part-time status, participation in officially recognized activities (in athletics, the weight and height of members of athletic teams), dates of attendance, degrees earned, awards received, photographs and most recent previous school attended.
A student who desires that the above-listed directory information not be released must inform the Office of the Registrar in writing within one week of the beginning of each semester each academic year. Students may rescind their request in writing at the Office of the Registrar.
While the University will honor a student's request to withhold directory information, it cannot assume responsibility to contact the student for subsequent permission to release such information. Regardless of the effect upon the student, the University assumes no liability as a consequence of honoring instructions that directory information be withheld.
Also, it is the student's responsibility to seek correction for any apparent errors in end of semester grades. Failure on the student's part to seek correction within a reasonable period of time indicates that records are accurate as stated.
Effective as of 2012, certain agencies of the federal government may access and release students' records without their consent to any third party designated by a Federal or State authority to evaluate a federal or state supported education program or to researches performing certain types of studies.
Office Phone
Office Email
Office Location
Room 116, Olmsted Administration Hall